Welcome to IRPSM


To run IRPSM application open a web browser (IE recommended) and type following URL and press "Enter" key:






1. Enter the user id.

2. Enter the password.

3. Click on "Submit" button to login successfully.

4. If the User Name or Password is incorrect, a message will be displayed asking for the correct User Name/Password.

5. The user is taken to Home Page as shown below:




Understanding Home Page


There are some icons available at the right upper corner in welcome screen to perform some interactive operations.




icon is used to move on Home Screen from any form in the application.


icon is used to open Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section in a separate window.


icon is used to open IRPSM help.


icon is used to edit the users personal data.


icon is used to create a new user's profile in application.


icon is used to change the profile data of a particular user.


icon is used to change the color theme of IRPSM application.


icon is used to logout from IRPSM application.