FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) in IRWCMS :-

1. Where can we get CRIS signer for trial web site and live website and the process for installing it?

Ans: The CRIS Signer for both trial and live website of IRCMS is available while entering into either of the site and therafter entering into the help menu you can click set up for DSC for live site as well as for trial site.

2. Which version and bit of java is suitable for CRIS Signer?

Ans: Java version 8 or above should be installed on PC. The bit of Java (64-bit or 32-bit) to be used depends upon bit of your PC and Browser, if your PC is 64-bit then Java should also be 64-bit else if PC is 32-bit then java should also be 32-bit. Most of the modern day PC and Browsers are 64 bit.

3. Who will create users ids for departments other than Civil engg department?

Ans: For Departments other than Civil Engg. "adrminfra" will act as Admin at present. He will allot LoA to officers of corresponding department through "Administration" menu.

4. How and when can a contractor activate his login id on IRWCMS?

Ans: A contractor can activate his loginid and password only when an agreement is mark to him. He has to enter the id of IREPS and through forgot password option he can genertate password through his DSC for main site.

5. Which type of LOA will be visible in IRWCMS for porting?

Ans: In IR-WCMS, at present, only following kind of LoAs are dealt with :-
1. Contract type should be "Works". Contract Type should not be "Services" .
2. Expenditure Type should be in [Capital (Works), Combined (Revenue + Capital Works), Deposit Work, Revenue] only. RSP, WMS, M&P are not allowed.
3. LoA amount should be more than zero(0).
4. PG amount should be more than zero(0).
5. LoA DATE should be >= '30-APR-2020' for 51 divisions, launched recently on 30-Apr-2020. Remaining 17 divisions can port LoAs issued since Dec-2019 onward

6. How can a railway user reset his password if password is forgotten by admin or users under admin?

Ans: A railway user can reset his password through sdenc id for civil engg. Users and throughadminfra id for other branch users. Sdenc and adminfra can reset their id through CRIS.

7. How can a contractor get his login ID?

Ans: Contract user id is same as of IREPS. However it will be activated only if some agreement is marked to him . Then he can generate the password through forgot password option using his DSC .

8. Where can a user get training video on IRWCMS?

Ans: On typing irwcms in youtube, training videos will be available.

9. By Whom and how can User IDs be deleted if these are created by mistake or IDs are of no use in future?

Ans: Mistakenly created User ids or ids of no use can be deactivated through the account id of sdenc or adrminfra of a division.

10. If by mistake an assignment of activity has been done wrong how can we correct it.?

Ans: Assignment of activity can be corrected by reset option available in the assignment of activity under contracts menu.

11. If by mistake a case has been forwarded to another officer than assigned than how can we withdraw the case?

Ans: The case can be returned back through outbox option available in contract menu in each id.

12. I am trying to sign the documents in vetting of contact agreement but only processing is shown in the screen and the signer is not activating.

Ans: You must follow the correct process of installation of CRIS signer, java configuration and DSC option as mentioned in the help menu both for trial site and main live site separately.

13. Can the DSC under usage in IREPS can be used in IRWCMS also?

Ans: Yes the DSC can be used but first a user should map his ireps id with irwcms by entering into edit profile option under administration menu and mention his/her IREPS id there.

14. How to differentiate between the trial site and main live site?

Ans: In the trial site web address shown will be while in the main site the web address will be

15. Which Web-Browser should be used?

Ans: This site is best viewed with latest version of Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge. Older versions of Internet Explorer may not support properly.